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Discussion: Le jour où nous avons fait pleurer Dieu

  1. #1
    Repose en paix Avatar de Agemon
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2005
    1 982

    Par défaut Le jour où nous avons fait pleurer Dieu

    Le jour où nous avions fait pleurer Dieu.



    [ Siddhattha Gotama, l'Eveillé ]

    C'est dommage qu'on ne peut mettre directement une vidéo de dailymotion.

    The Day We Made God Cry - Florent Pagny.

    Tears falling from the sky!
    And how can we not know the reason why?
    It took us all two thousand years of work and strife
    Bringing the day we made God cry
    They taught us all from birth
    There's only one who rules upon this earth
    We know his name! we even claim we know his face
    Blue eyes or black...
    His sorrow's our disgrace
    So we lay our roads and slay the trees
    To possess more than our enemies
    And our means can justify the end We'll
    Trample on a friend so disrespecfully
    And with all this anger in our hearts
    We rebel and swear God plays a part
    So we kill and pray to make amends
    The story never ends and flags will burn again
    Tears falling from the sky
    Under the dust the city ceased to shine
    And all the children search within their mother's eyes...
    "How could it be that we have made God cry?"
    So we lay our roads and slay the trees
    To possess more than our enemies
    And our means can justify the end. We'll.
    Trample on a friend so direspectfully
    And we send our hatred from above
    In the name of one who taught to love
    We prochain we're worthly of this place.
    The chosen human race could
    Never justify... the day we made God cry.
    Dernière modification par Agemon ; 10/09/2011 à 20h02.
    [LEFT][COLOR=#c0504d]Et si vous venez faire un tour chez moi ! [/COLOR][/LEFT]
    [COLOR=#c0504d][COLOR=#c0504d][SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]- [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][URL=""][B]VIÊT NAM MẾN YÊU.[/B][/URL] [/COLOR]

  2. # ADS
    Circuit publicitaire
    Date d'inscription
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  3. #2
    Habitué du Việt Nam Avatar de Alexandre
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2010

    Par défaut

    jolie musique et un clip si "dure" et réaliste malheureusemnt

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